Email Marketing


Current Project

In late 2019 I launched a redesign and overhaul of the email program at the Bellevue Club and Hotel. A user-centric mindset and new brand direction went a long way during this overhaul and lead to a current open rate that is 15 percent higher than industry average. Here is the rough outline of how I improved and adjusted our email campaigns and processes:  

1.     Research competitor’s designs, content and implementation.

2.     Concept & Strategy: Re-organize and audience lists and categories to cross-promote when it is in the user’s best interest.

3.     Design a new, modern look to draw audience attention at the beginning of these changes.

4.     Create. Implement. Track.

Our new system saw a 20 percent increase in open rates and 50 percent increase in click rate.  Our current open rate is more than 15 percent above industry average.


Past Projects

At my time with Rosanna Inc. I managed retail, wholesale and press emails. This included content creation, editing and calendar management. Above are some of my favorites, sent out to more than 17,000 subscribers.